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Date last modified: 5-15-01

FaithWorks, In Today's News..., Inquirer's Class, Basic Shelves, Alpha, YAK, Prayer and Healing Circle, Choir, AA, Al Anon


7:30 PM Tuesdays

Each Tuesday evenings a Bible study meets in the home of Carolyn Silver. Over a series of sessions, the groups works through sections of the Bible and topics relevant to our lives. This is a time for fellowship, fun, learning and a good chance to meet some new friends.

In Today's News...

9:00 AM Sundays

Join us each Sunday before worship for coffee and conversation as we examine the Sunday scripture readings in light of current events. With a newspaper in one hand and the Bible in the other, we explore the Hope we have in the world today.

Inquirers Class

(Adult Confirmation and Membership)

11:30 as announced

Bring a bag lunch for this six week session, intended to help people explore what they believe, look into the Christian faith, and find its relevance in their life. We'll also discuss our Lutheran expression and what it offers each of us. Explore questions such as: What is God like? Who is this Jesus Christ? What is the purpose of life? What about suffering? Can I know what God wants for me? What makes the Lutheran Church different? Is there life after death?

Basic Shelves

12:30 Mondays

How far can you stretch a dollar without sacrificing great meals? Come and discover some great recipes and sound advise in a delicious program sponsored by the Memory Lane Family Place and Peace Lutheran. Space is limited for this six week course, held twice a year. The program is free and the food incredible!


Alpha is a 10 week series for those wanting to learn more about our faith. Using video and discussion, it's a great course for new seekers and those who want to brush up on the basics. Visit the Alpha Canada web site for more information.


7:30 Location rotates at participants homes as announced

Did you watch the Brady Bunch before reruns? Remember Fonzie? Was the Carol Burnett Show a family event? If you answered "yes" to any of the above, we'd love to get together with you each month for YAK, the Young Adults Club ('20-30 something's with or without kids). Thought- provoking discussion, fun, fellowship and food! Pitch in for the annual fund raisers that help support our Christmas family.

Prayer and Healing Circle

7:30 as announced

Does prayer truly have power? What is the nature of spiritual healing? Each Monday evening we gather to explore the nature of prayer and healing through guided meditation, medical studies, selected readings and conversation. God's gentle presence is offered through Therapeutic Touch, a clinical application of the laying-on-of-hands found in the scriptures. Training and workshops are made available throughout the year through the Atlantic Therapeutic Touch Network. We all have the gift to be conduits of God's presence, and this is again offered every communion service with individual blessings and prayer at the altar.

Related articles and sites:
The Recovery of Healing in the Church and Therapeutic Touch
Healing Arts: The Connecticut Center for Therapeutic Touch


Every Sunday after Worship

Explore a wide variety of music in English, Latin, German, French and Italian. Music from the world enriches our worship through this small group of beginning and experienced singers.


8:30 PM Saturdays and Mondays

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. Members share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.

Al Anon

8:00 PM Sundays

The Al-Anon family groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share experiences, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems. They believe alcoholism is a family illness and that changed attitudes can aid recovery. Al-Anon helps the family to understand that the alcoholic is a person with physical, emotional, and spiritual problems. It also helps provide peace of mind, comfort, and reassurance by using the Al-Anon twelve steps and slogans which provide coping skills when dealing with alcoholic behaviour.

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