Adult Day Program

At the Crossroads

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Date last modified: 5-15-01

...Serving the Coboquid Community

What is an Adult Day Program?

An Adult Day Program is a community-based program designed to meet the needs of adults with functional impairments through an individual plan an of care. It is a structured, comprehensive program that offers a variety of health, social and related support services in a protective setting during any time of the day, but less than 24 hour care.

Individuals who participate in adult day care attend on a planned basis during specified hours. Adult Day Care helps the participants to remain in the community, enabling families to continue care at home for a family member with an impairment.

What are the benefits of Northwood's Adult Day Program?

  • Delays or prevents premature institutionalization by supporting families who are providing care to a dependent adult.
  • Provides a program for functionally impaired adults to promote independence and social integration.

What are the services they provide?

  • Therapeutic activities: morning exercises, music programs, pet therapy;
  • A day of respite for families;
  • Intergenerational activities: enjoying music and interacting with children;
  • Individualized plan of care;
  • A nutritious lunch and snack;
  • Monthly caregiver support group meetings;
  • Assistance in arranging transportation;
  • A professional, caring staff with volunteers, under the direction of a Registered Nurse.

Northwood Crossroads Adult Day Program... a not-for-profit service

The Crossroads Adult Day Program has been made possible through partnerships with the following groups / organizations: Irish Society, Sackville Kinsmen, Bedford Lions, St. John Vianny Church, Coboquid Economic Development Association, Sackville Landfill Fund, Peace Lutheran Church, and the Community Health Promotions Fund.

Access-A-Bus service now available!

Program Information

Hours of Operation: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30am to 3:00pm (Extended hours can be arranged upon request.)

Location: Peace Lutheran Church, 975 Beaverbank-Windsor Junction Crossroad, Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia.

Daily Fee: $29.95 per day. First day attending is complimentary. Bills are made in advance, based on projected attendance.

For program information, or to make a referral, call

(902) 454-3347

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