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Date last modified: 5-15-01

Yikes! Youth!

Youth Group

7:00 as announced

How many youth can you cram into a bathroom stall? All of them, if you're playing Sardines! The Youth of Peace meet for learning, fellowship, drama and Sardines. What is Sardines!? Turn all the lights out, hide one youth, and let the others search in the dark. As each person finds the hiding place, they hide there too until they're all crammed in like a pack of sardines! The key is to find the others by the sound of laughter and giggling! We discover God has also been hiding in us, and can be found by the laughter when we come together.

Youth age 13 and up are invited to this informal night of fun, learning, discussion and friendship. Activities will be planned through the year that give us a chance to experience faith in action and serve our community. Fund raising and preparation for the Synod Youth Gathering, Wanted, at Camp Mush, as well as for the National Youth Gathering in 2000 will organised.

Youth Confirmation

11:30 AM, Every 2nd and 4th Sunday, October - May

Confirmation is an opportunity for youth to explore the baptismal vows taken on their behalf by their parents when they were originally baptized. Its also an opportunity to look at many of the issues facing teens in light of the Christian faith. Luther's Small Catechism, is used, along with Manna and Mercy and Baptized, We Live, both by Daniel Erlander. The focus covers the basics of the Christian Faith and how it is lived in a personal, community and global context.


(The Canadian Lutheran Youth Gathering)

August 15-18, 2002 in Vancouver, B.C.

The Canadian Lutheran Youth Gathering is the greatest event the National Church puts on. Locations changes every time, and this year the adventure couldn't be greater! Fund raising for the event will be planned early in the year to avoid any last minute rush. Watch the web site, for more details.

Be sure to check out Racket, the National Youth Magazine, for all the big events coming this year.
Also, Camp Mush-A-Mush provides ministry to youth and all ages in a great outdoor setting. Check out their web site for more information!
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